Do you like cosplay costumes?

Non-living things are given anthropomorphic types and it is not uncommon Cosplay Costumes to see sexes turned, with women enjoying men tasks and viceversa. There is also a part of cosplay lifestyle based on sex attraction, with cosplayers particularly Bleach Cosplay Costumes selecting figures that are known for their attraction and/or exposing cosplay costumes.

…wos schreibn, owa i hob so auf de Schnelle ka Kostüm gfunden. :worried: :wink:
Und a fian Bing Crosby ned!


Gutn Tach erstamol Du Baua :grin:…und daun :smiling_face: : Vos etiam ad me vespere. Quod ubi sol non lucet :smiling_face: :sunglasses:

Pfiati :wink:…und Foi Ned :grin:

Inschallah Pg

… do ned woin in Englisch :wink: aber danke trotzdem dast vabei gschaut host.